Adding an HTML Description to a Committee

You can add an HTML description to your committee using the html info icon found on the Committee Profile. The html description can be used on your eWeb site or sent via email in the messages sent to the committee participants.

To add an html description to a committee, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Committee Profile.
  2. Click the html info icon.The HTML Committee Description Information pop-up window appears. This editor is a WYSIWG editor that allows you to enter the text and/or images that will be used for the html description for the committee. The editor also has several controls that allow you to format the content the way you wish. As you use the WYSIWG editor, the HTML is being written in the background. To view the HTML code you can click the HTML icon located at the bottom of the WYSIWG window.
  3. Enter the content you will use as the html description in the main text field on the HTML Committee Description Information pop-up window.
  4. Format the content as needed.
  5. Click the Save button.The HTML description is now available for use on the eWeb site and committee mailings.